Firewheel Classics

1969 Camaro Dash Fuel and Speedometer Lens
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1969 Camaro Dash Fuel and Speedometer Lens
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1969 Camaro Dash Fuel and Speedometer Lens
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Installs into the dash carrier assembly. Replaces scratched and discolored lenses. 

The fuel lens (IP-173) includes the right hand turn signal indicator, generator, temp and oil indicators.  The speedometer lens (IP-174) includes left hand turn signal indicator, fuel, brake, and high beam indicators. Both lenses are as pictured.  These are officially licensed GM restoration parts.  Specify lens when ordering.


  • 1969 Camaro
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Firewheel Classics is the largest supplier of 67 camaro, 68 camaro, & 69 camaro parts in South Central US. We offer the best products on the market with unsurpassed service.
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